Out of all the tribute songs, only one, titled #JeSuisCharlie has gone viral in France and outisde. A French singer wrote a touching song in honour of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo killings. B Bullet was unknown to the public until his video created a buzz on Facebook and YouTube.
Disgusted over the killings, the young artist posted a video of his song #JeSuisCharlie, a reprise of Hexagone by French artist Renaud. The video which he shared on his Facebook page on the 8th of January has since been watched more 6,8 millions times.
Sang en style goguette, the song expresses his anger at twhat is known today as France's deadliest terror attack in at least two decades.
In the 19th century in France, the French used to criticise those in power, the Church, and other things happening in the society through songs. They would write their own songs and would register in a bistro or pub to sing it. This style of criticing through singing is known as "goguette". It was a way for the to rant, express their anger, displeasure, indignation, etc,. Under Napoléon III, some of these bistros were banned and others monitored.
Jean-Baptiste Bullet is a 25-year-old student from Tarbes. He who was studying to become a notary recently abandonned his studies to concerntrate full-time in music. When he posted his video, a guitar in hand and "Je suis Charlie" signs on the wall, he didn't know National and International medias would start running after him for interviews. Niether did he know that he would soon share a stage with bug French stars such as Patrick Bruel or Grand Corps Malade.
The deadly attack on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on the 7th of January in Paris by the Kouachi brothers left 12 people dead, two of which were police officers.
Disgusted over the killings, the young artist posted a video of his song #JeSuisCharlie, a reprise of Hexagone by French artist Renaud. The video which he shared on his Facebook page on the 8th of January has since been watched more 6,8 millions times.
Sang en style goguette, the song expresses his anger at twhat is known today as France's deadliest terror attack in at least two decades.
In the 19th century in France, the French used to criticise those in power, the Church, and other things happening in the society through songs. They would write their own songs and would register in a bistro or pub to sing it. This style of criticing through singing is known as "goguette". It was a way for the to rant, express their anger, displeasure, indignation, etc,. Under Napoléon III, some of these bistros were banned and others monitored.
Jean-Baptiste Bullet is a 25-year-old student from Tarbes. He who was studying to become a notary recently abandonned his studies to concerntrate full-time in music. When he posted his video, a guitar in hand and "Je suis Charlie" signs on the wall, he didn't know National and International medias would start running after him for interviews. Niether did he know that he would soon share a stage with bug French stars such as Patrick Bruel or Grand Corps Malade.
The deadly attack on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on the 7th of January in Paris by the Kouachi brothers left 12 people dead, two of which were police officers.
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Franck Scuotto Photography |
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Franck Scuotto Photography |
Listen to #JeSuisCharlie by JB Bullet here :
Listen to Hexagone by Renaud here :
Listen to Bygmalion by Goguettes en Trio here :
You can follow JB Bullet on Facebook. and on YouTube. You can download the song for free by clicking here.
Parole #JeSuisCharlie by JB Bullet
J'ai pas peur de toi l’extrémiste
Qui vient descendre nos journalistes
Crois-tu passer pour un croisé
En butant nos gardiens d'la paix?
Penses-tu vraiment avoir des couilles
Quand c'est ton frère que tu zigouilles
Pendant qu'à terre il t'implorait
C'est bon chef... J'en ai eu assez
Si tu t'demandes où est Charlie
À jamais dans nos esprits
Un coup d'kalach pour un coup d'crayon
Tu salis ta religion
Partir en Syrie, faire le Djihad
Et rev'nir faire des fusillades
C'était ça ton plan de carrière
Penses-tu aux familles qu'y a derrière?
T'es-tu vraiment senti menacé
Par un pauvre crayon à papier
Faire de l'humour dans un journal
Mérite-t-il la peine capitale?
Si tu t'demandes où est Charlie
À jamais dans nos esprits
Un coup d'kalach pour un coup d'crayon
Tu salis ta religion
Tu débarques froid'ment depuis Reims
Armé, cagoulé comme un prince
En scandant le nom de ton Dieu
Qui n'voudra même pas d'toi aux cieux
C'est d'respecter nos différences
Qui fait la beauté de la France
Mais toi c'matin t'as tout gâché
C'est la haine que tu as semée
Si tu t'demandes où est Charlie
À jamais dans nos esprits
Un coup d'kalach pour un coup d'crayon
Tu salis ta religion
J'm'en fous d'où tu vas à la messe
Mais ne t'en prends pas à la presse
Car quand c'est la guerre qu'y a là-bas
T'es content qu'y ait des caméras
Ne viens pas m'parler d'religion
C't'excuse est complêt'ment bidon
J'pense pas qu'il existe de bouquin
Qui dise de flinguer son prochain
Si tu t'demandes où est Charlie
À jamais dans nos esprits
Un coup d'kalach pour un coup d'crayon
Tu salis ta religion
Même si j'ai envie d'crier aux armes
J'mets pas tout l'monde dans l'même panier
C'est en partant d'un amalgame
Qu'on fabrique des croix gammées
Mais j'ai pas peur, je suis français
Et c'est debout qu'tu vas m'trouver
Contre toi je lève mon stylo
Je suis aussi Charlie Hebdo
Si tu t'demandes où est Charlie
À jamais dans nos esprits
Un coup d'kalach pour un coup d'crayon
Tu salis ta religion
Bafouer notre liberté d'expression
C'est s'en prendre à toute la nation
On est 66 millions, et on te dit
Moi aussi... Je suis Charlie
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