Pronunciation : [eg za zhay ray]
Definition 1 : to exaggerate, to amplify, to magnify, to overstate, to blow up, to make a fuss over nothing
Ex :
vendredi 31 octobre 2014
jeudi 30 octobre 2014
French verb of the day : Foncer
Pronunciation : [fo(n) say]
Definition 1 : to darken/ to make deeper in colour, to grow/become darker
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Definition 1 : to darken/ to make deeper in colour, to grow/become darker
Ex :
mercredi 29 octobre 2014
mardi 28 octobre 2014
French verb of the day : Excursionner
Definition : to go on a trip/an excursion, to go for a walk/an outing.
Pronunciation : [ehk skur syuh nay]
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Pronunciation : [ehk skur syuh nay]
Ex :
lundi 27 octobre 2014
dimanche 26 octobre 2014
French verb of the day : Fabuler
Definition : to fantasize, to imagine, to make things up, to invent stories, to tell tales, to lie
Pronunciation : [fah bu lay]
Ex :
Pronunciation : [fah bu lay]
Ex :
samedi 25 octobre 2014
vendredi 24 octobre 2014
French map for kisses !
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Photo credit : Combien de bises ? |
jeudi 23 octobre 2014
Asa performed with Yannick Noah on FRANCE 2
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Photo credit : Asa Official Facebook |
Le Skizz Family
Would like you to meet a group of up-and-coming French comedians who started individually on Vine by posting funny 6-second videos.
mercredi 22 octobre 2014
French verb of the day : Raccrocher
Definition 1 : (phone) to end a telephone conversation, to hang up; to hang back up;
Definiton 2 : to link, connect
Pronunciation : [rah kruh shay]
Ex :
Definiton 2 : to link, connect
Pronunciation : [rah kruh shay]
Ex :
mardi 21 octobre 2014
French verb of the day : Ronfler
Definition 1 : to snore, to snort, to hum, to snooze
Definition 2 : to purr, to whine, to roar
Pronunciation : [ro(n) flay]
Ex :
Definition 2 : to purr, to whine, to roar
Pronunciation : [ro(n) flay]
Ex :
lundi 20 octobre 2014
dimanche 19 octobre 2014
Carrément !!!
Carrément is a very word common in France.
I use it often myself but still, I find it difficult to get the perfect word in English that captures its meaning. I have been trying to do this article for a while now and have been lazy about it. Finally, I decided to give it a try tonight by giving several examples as it has several possible English translations.
I use it often myself but still, I find it difficult to get the perfect word in English that captures its meaning. I have been trying to do this article for a while now and have been lazy about it. Finally, I decided to give it a try tonight by giving several examples as it has several possible English translations.
French verb of the day : Flâner
Definition : to stroll, to hang around, to dawdle, to loiter around, to lounge around, to wander around
Pronunciation : [flah nay]
Ex :
Pronunciation : [flah nay]
Ex :
samedi 18 octobre 2014
Butt Plug art installed in Paris has been vandalised !
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Photo credit : |
So American artist Paul McCarthy erected his sculpture, called “Tree” in Place Vendôme in Paris on Thursday. But the Frenchies do not appreciate this art being exposed in public because of it's resemblance to a sex toy. They feel humiliated that a giant inflatable butt plug disguised as a Christmas tree could be placed next to a great art work like the statue of Napoleon in the famous Paris square.
vendredi 17 octobre 2014
French verb of the day : Frôler
Definition : to to brush past, to brush against, to skim past, verge on
Pronunciation : [fro lay]
Ex :
Pronunciation : [fro lay]
Ex :
jeudi 16 octobre 2014
mercredi 15 octobre 2014
French verb of the day : Apprêter
Definition : to get/be prepared; to finish; to get ready to do something
Pronunciation : [ah pray tay]
Ex :
Pronunciation : [ah pray tay]
Ex :
lundi 13 octobre 2014
Napoléon Bonaparte
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Photo credit : wikipedia |
Le Sacre de Napoléon !
This a picture of Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Blue Ivy at the Louvre in front of the famous painting "The Coronation of Napoleon" in Paris on October 7.
The Carter family at le Louvre !
Jay-z and Beyoncé wrapped the On The Run Tour in mid-September in Paris. Not in a rush to leave the Capital of France, they have stayed back to enjoy a family time together.
Line Renaud & Stromae discover their wax statues at the Grévin Museum, Paris
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Crédits photo : |
dimanche 12 octobre 2014
5 Most Popular Albums of 2014 in France
French's National Syndicate of Phonographic Publishing (SNEP : Syndicat national de l'édition phonographique) has announced the most sold album of this year in France.
samedi 11 octobre 2014
vendredi 10 octobre 2014
Les Pieds-Noirs de la France !
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Source : wikipedia |
My mother-in-law is often refered to as Pied-Noir when talking about my husband's family history. Curious about the meaning of this expression I asked my husband what it means and also did a bit of research on my own.
Aymeric Caron humilie Eric Zemmour
French verb of the day : Constater
Definition 1 : to take note, to notice, to observe,
- Constater les dégâts - assess the damage
- Constater une infraction - discover an infringement, detect an infringement
jeudi 9 octobre 2014
Story of a French chocolate cake called « meringue au chocolat »
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There is a chocolate cake sold in French boulangeries called « meringue au chocolat » or « tête choco ». This cake was called « tête-de-nègre » until the seventies before it was renamed.
Americans with French lovers
Prince Albert II & Princess Charlene of Monaco are expecting twins
Photo : source : |
Prince Albert II, 56, and his wife, Princess Charlene of Monaco, 36, are expecting twins.
mercredi 8 octobre 2014
Chez le médecin ou à l’hôpital ?
French verb of the day : Décoiffer
Defination 1 : to tousle/mess up/ruffle/to undo one's hair, to take one's hat off
Defination 2 : to surprise, shock
Pronunciation : [day kwa fay]
Defination 2 : to surprise, shock
Pronunciation : [day kwa fay]
J'aime ce truc !
The word Truc is one of my favorite French word. I first heard it in 2008 while I was working at the French School of Lagos. Some group of students asked me if they could leave the permanence class that I was supervising to go to the library to study. I told them no because I had earlier got a call from the library attendant asking me not to send anymore student to them as the whole place was filled up.
mardi 7 octobre 2014
My government is pro-business !
The French are talking about how impeccable their prime minister's English was during his visit to London. Funny thing is the guy only spoke a sentence in English.
French verb of the day : Raffoler
Raffoler : to love, to adore, to delight in, to be keen on, wild about, be crazy about
Pronunciation : [rah fuh lay]
Pronunciation : [rah fuh lay]
Que dalle !
Que dalle in French means nothing, nothing at all, absolutely nothing, etc,. It is an informal expression that can be used with family and friends. It's a slang used mostly by young people in France and the tone of the voice determines if the speaker is being vulgar or not... It shouldn't be used in formal settings, like when talking to your boss, except you use buddy when you talking to him/her. LOL!
French Minister of Justice makes a face on Live TV
I just watched this funny video of French Minister of Justice, Madame Christiane Taubira, who made a funny face (faire la grimace à quelqu'un - to make a face at som) on Live Television.
L' Histoire d'un amour infiniment pur
This video made me cry the very first time I watched and it still makes me cry everytime I watch it. Love can be a beautiful thing if we let it...
lundi 6 octobre 2014
Jacques Chirac & his wife choose different candidates for the French 2017 presidential election
Former French president came out on Thursday in support of his former prime minister and political protégé Alain Juppé, while his wife Bernadette, is a big fan of Nicolas Sarkozy's who was Chirac’s interior minister before becoming president in 2007.
French couple, step-mum & step-son are married !
Eiffel Tower now has transparent glass floors !!!
Eiffel Tower's first floor was unveiled to visitors this Monday with new see-through floor. Visitors can now look down through a solid glass floor to the 57 meters (187 feet) below.
I don't care !
Thousands march to defend "traditional family values" in Paris
Tens of thousands took to the streets in Paris and Bordeaux yesterday to demonstrate against what they call the government’s “anti-family” policies. The protesters, including a mix of hardline Catholics and traditional conservatives, declared their opposition to assisted pregnancies such as IVF and surrogacy for same-sex families.
French verb of the day : Découdre
Découdre : to take stitches out, unpick, (literary, in jest) to fight, do battle
Pronominal: se découdre - to come unstitched, to come apart
Pronunciation : [day koodr]
Pronominal: se découdre - to come unstitched, to come apart
Pronunciation : [day koodr]
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