samedi 11 octobre 2014

French verb of the day : Se débrouiller

Pronominal verb

Definition : se débrouiller - to manage (to do something), to have a working knowledge of, to cope, to handle something,

Pronunciation : [ day broo yay]

Ex :

Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais me débrouiller - Don't worry, I'll manage/ I'll cope/I'll get by on my own.

Tu te débrouilles assez bien en français - You get by fairly well in French.

Débrouille-toi tout seul ! - Do it yourself ! / hesolve the problem yourself/handle it on your own/you'll have to manage on your own.

Dans la vie, il faut savoir se débrouiller - You've got to know how to get by in life.

  • Débrouiller - to untangle, sort out, to disentangle, to unravel,
  • Le débrouillage - disentangling
  • Débrouillard (informal, adjective) - smart
  • Un débrouillar - coper
  • La débrouillardise (informal) - cleverness, resourcefulness

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