mardi 7 octobre 2014

My government is pro-business !

The French are talking about how impeccable their prime minister's English was during his visit to London. Funny thing is the guy only spoke a sentence in English.

French prime minister Manuel Valls is currently touring European capitals to persuade EU partners that France is engaged in a serious programme of reforms. He met British prime minister, David Cameron, in London on Monday along with British and French executives.
During the speech at the Guildhall in the heart of the British capital's City financial district, declared :

"J'ai dit en France que j'aimais les entreprises. Je l'ai même dit en allemand à Berlin (...) J'aime les entreprises! My government is pro-business".

Knowing how bad the French's accent is when they speak English, it's no wonder why they are in admiration of Manuel Valls spoken English.

Watch the video here :


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